Tuesday, November 5, 2013


I've been to Belfast, the capital of Northern Ireland, a couple times since arriving in Northern Ireland. The bus from Derry to Belfast is pretty cheap at £17 and only takes 2 hours.

View from a shopping center in central Belfast

City Hall

 I've visited the Ulster Museum, which is pretty cool. It's near Queens University and has some neat exhibits.
My personal favorite thing in the whole museum

Outside the Ulster Museum

So, I didn't know this until recently, but the Titanic was built in Belfast. Last year, to mark the 100 year anniversary of the sinking of the ship, Belfast opened a WONDERFUL museum. I've been to quite a few museums in my time, and the Titanic museum in Belfast is one of the best ones I've been to. 

The violin of one of the band members. It was found with his body.

Just outside Belfast is Carrickfergus Castle. It's pretty cheesy, but Kelly and I had fun. 

Kelly, watching for Vikings

Me, being a dummy

The divide between the Catholics and Protestants is a lot more pronounced in Belfast. 
Protestant area in Belfast

My University sponsored a trip to Belfast, and on the way back we encountered a large number of police officers. Our guide told us that the Protestants were having a parade and they wanted to march over to the Catholic area across the street. The Catholics didn't want this, so the police were called. There were probably about 20 armored police vans blocking the two sides from each other. 

On a lighter note, I met a celebrity. James Nesbitt  is the chancellor of the University of Ulster. He's an actor and is currently playing a dwarf in The Hobbit. 
He's a nice man. What is wrong with my eye?

I also saw a bus with my future husband Benedict Cumberbatch on it. 
I love him even with a creepy blonde wig on (that's true love)

And of course, finish the day off with a pint of Guinness. 


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